William Fenton Sink

10+ Years of Experience

My name is Willy Sink. I am a lawyer with the American Association for Justice. I represent those who are unable to stand up for themselves. I stand up for the underdog.

I represent employees who have been wrongfully terminated, whistleblowers, those who have been discriminated against or sexually harassed. I handle injury claims caused by car crashes. I represent consumers who have been injured and take on lawyers who hurt their clients.

I also handle military courts martial and will travel globally.

I was born and raised in Southern California. My father Fenton H. Sink, Jr., M.D. was an anesthesiologist and surgeon. He flew over one hundred missions against the Nazis during World War II. My mother, an artist, raised the family. My uncle, William Bordelon, USMC, was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his gallantry at Tawara.

I have eight brothers and sisters, all of whom live on the west coast.

I am a Puritan. I hold myself to high standards. I expect those around me to do the same. I do not like liars, slothful individuals and those who take advantage of the weak, elderly or poor. I am against patronization of Korean bars and strip joints since they encourage criminal activity and take food out of the mouths of children.

I rattle the cages of judges who kowtow to special interest. I do not care for judges who are biased against the little guy and favor big business. When confronted with this situation, I do not hesitate to cross swords with the judge. Over 50% of Hawai’i’s judges are excellent, 25% are adequate and the rest are failures who scoff at American values and western virtues.

I mistrust insurance companies and am overjoyed to level the sword when they’ve acted in bad faith. I am unafraid of big business. I have sued some of the largest companies in the world, including BAE, Estee Lauder, Aveda Salon, K-Mart, Delta Air Lines, the Roman Catholic Church, Marriott, Hilton, time share operators and others. When big businesses step out of line, they must be held accountable.

I represent the weak against the powerful, the helpless against the abusers, and women and children against predators. I stand up for the underdog.

Civil Rights
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Discrimination, Employment, Fair Housing, Police Misconduct, Privacy Law
Consumer Law
Class Action, Lemon Law
Employment Law
Employee Benefits, Employment Contracts, Employment Discrimination, ERISA, Overtime & Unpaid Wages, Sexual Harassment, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination
Insurance Claims
Bad Faith Insurance, Business Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Motor Vehicle Insurance, Property Insurance
Legal Malpractice
Medical Malpractice
Birth Injury, Medical Misdiagnosis, Pharmacy Errors, Surgical Errors
  • Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
    If I feel you have a good case, I will take your case either on an hourly retainer, a straight contingency fee or a blended retainer. Hourly Fee:I typically bill cases at $400.00 per hour, however, I may reduce that hourly fee depending upon the complexity of the work involved, the wealth of the client, and the degree of injustice. Straight Contingency:I may charge a straight contingency on cases that are likely to result in recovery of monetary damages. These types of cases typically involve a personal injury, discrimination, wrongful termination, whistle-blowing, sexual harassment, breach of contract, and legal malpractice. Blended Retainer:If I like your case but it has problems, I may take the case if you pay a cash retainer up front, to be billed at a set hourly rate in addition to a percentage of the recovery. I may also require that you pay costs associated with your case.
Since 1974
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Univ of San Diego
Undergraduate Degree
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Univ of San Diego School of Law
Law Degree
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Hawaii Bar Association

1984 –
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California State Bar

&nbsp# 62801

1974 –
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Websites & Blogs


735 Bishop St
Honolulu, HI 96813
Telephone: (808) 531-7162
Fax: (808) 524-2055